Sunshine Coast Baseball Association Inc

Mudjimba League

Minutes of General Meeting


Waterfront Hotel

Date 9/01/2024
Meeting opened 6pm
Minutes Taken by Secretary
Attendance: Laura Woodrow, Amber Griffin, Ryan Griffin, Tracey Bugenhagen, Michael Mullan, Leigh Jamieson, Dominic Bugenhagen, Geoff Wade, Marcin Niepostyn
Apologies: Samantha Anderson, Brian Perrin

| Previous Meeting Minutes | Read aloud by Secretary. | Moved as accurate and correct – Laura Woodrow Seconded – Tracey Bugenhagen Carried | | --- | --- | --- |

| Treasurer's Report | Marcin presented spreadsheet (attached) Opening Balance – $43255.60 Closing Balance – $40753.61 Incoming: $3237.71 Outgoing: $5739.70 | Marcin moved this to be an accurate representation of the accounts. Seconded by Laura Woodrow Carried | | --- | --- | --- | | Agenda item | Ideas/Discussion | Action/Resolution | | Blue Cards | Check and record prior to season commencing. All executives and volunteers to obtain Blue Cards. Junior and Senior Teams please ensure at least one team member has a blue card. | Copy of Blue Card to be scanned to Leigh (Secretary) to be kept on file and in Blue Card Portal. | | Business Arising from the previous Meeting. | | | | Junior Registrar Position - Review | Reasons given for review. Acknowledged that Bret acted with out communication with Committee and will be asked that in future please check before acting. Continuing in position. | Approved that Bret continue on in position. Email address will be created for him rather than using admin@SCBA | | Purchasing | Reminder to present ideas to committee before purchasing, to ensure money is available and not ‘ear-marked’ for something else. | Discussed. | | Review SCBA meetings | Rather than 6 a year, proposed 4 a year. | Proposed: Leigh Jamieson Seconded: Laura Woodrow Carried. | | Gympie participation this season | Not joining in with Mudjimba League. | Laura to reconnect with Kenda re: State Titles | | Amendments to Constitution/By-Laws | Constitution changes at AGM and have to be presented to all members 6 weeks prior to meeting – either AGM or Special Public meeting, so that members can vote on them. | Pushed forward to date closer to AGM 2024. | | New Business | | | | AGM | At end of first half of season, 2024 combine with Xmas party. No presentation at this time. Ensure Agenda and minutes of previous AGM is circulated 6 weeks prior to meeting. | Moved: Leigh Jamieson Seconded: Laura Woodrow Carried | | Presentation Day | To be held at end of full season (March) | Moved: Michael Mullins Seconded: Ryan Griffin Carried. | | Xmas Party | December after last game of half season. Book a blow-up baseball cage. Have more Xmas themed activities e.g. Santa | Book cage now. | | Transition of Accounts | Motion to remove Dena Gaspar outgoing Vice President and Gregory Carr-Walker outgoing Treasurer from our Bank Accounts as Signatory on: Westpac Community Solutions Reserve (Every Day) BSB 034243 Acc 350385 Westpac Community Solutions One (Cash Reserve) BSB 034243 Acc 350406 Westpac Community Solutions One (Card Account) BSB 034243 Acc 350393 Motion to add Marcin Niepostyn incoming Treasurer and Geoffrey Desmond Wade incoming Vice President to our Bank Accounts as Signatory on: Westpac Community Solutions Reserve BSB 034243 Acc 350385 Westpac Community Solutions One BSB 034243 Acc 350406 Westpac Community Solutions One BSB 034243 Acc 350393 | Moved – Tracey Bugenhagen Seconded – Leigh Jamieson Carried Moved – Tracey Bugenhagen Seconded – Leigh Jamieson Carried | | GM - Senior team expectations – communication to GMs | Canteen shifts Field maintenance – a member of each team to be shown how to fill holes correctly. Scorers- weekend training to be organised Equipment- Men to use wooden bats. Practice- delegating jobs to be carried out at training. Juniors development – Seniors to assist by demonstration or attendance at Juniors training. Ryan will present this to all GMs with proposal and schedule for completion. It was discussed that if pa particular team didn’t participate then a choice of payment or a deduction of points would occur. | Moved: Ryan Griffin Seconded: Laura Woodrow Carried | | Role Description and access to documents | Written in parent/player handbook which is being developed. | Discussed and agreed that it would be helpful for new committee members when transitioning. | | Senior player Complaint | To be discussed**.** | Email to be sent by Secretary to Ricky G | | Treasurers Update | Auditors report was presented at AGM as an accurate representation of Association financial position. | Moved: Tracey Bugenhagen Seconded: Laura Woodrow Carried. | | Equipment Purchases | Reimbursement of $237.44 to M Mullins | Moved: Tracey Bugenhagen Seconded: Leigh Jamieson Carried. | | Reimbursement of expenses | Marcin recommended reimbursing all persons for purchases made in previous month. | Moved: Marcin Seconded: Laura Woodrow Carried. | | Refund of registration fees- | Recommendation for refund of partial half season’s registration due to inability to play. | Moved: Laura Woodrow Seconded: Tracey Bugenhagen Carried. | | Dates for Scoring training. | Organise and then social media will publicise location, date, and time. | Approved to be organised. | | Umpiring- training weekend. | February – Organize date, time, and location. Social media will publicize. | Approved to organise. | | Back nets and fencing Geoff | Quotes? Geoff presented quotes organized by Dane and Bret. Agreed to get 2 more quotes for 8-metre-high back net. Suggestion was also made to move main field 10 metres forward due to the distance between home plate and back net. | Moved: Geoff Wade Seconded: Michael Mullins Carried | | Fundraising. | Need to organize how this will be handled. Co-Ordinator required. | Amber will publicise on social media. | | Repairs to Junior fields Purchase drill | Michael discussed improvements needed to Juniors fields and equipment. Purchase drill to be used to drill pegs in around covers. Michael has one he will sell to club. | Agreed and motioned carried to make necessary repairs. Accepted. | | Change of dates for Summer season | Laura proposed starting season on 16th January due to weather predictions and state of grounds. Summer season will be 9 weeks. 7 weeks rostered play and 2 weeks of finals. | Moved: Laura Woodrow Seconded: Geoff Wade Carried | | Finals Format | 9th and 16th March. 9th March: 1st Vs 4th 2nd Vs 3rd and then 5th and 6th will be a fun game. Winners of first 2 games goes into Grand Final. | All agreed with this format. | | Show and Tell - Ryan | Computer program that Ryan has created and using for Jellies, which can be created for Mudjimba League and SCBA. Everything everyone wants to know about anything will be on this site and easy to access. | Ongoing | | State Titles | Begin trials, training and selection for April titles. Geoff to organise this. | | | Top up /repair grounds | Enquire with John Beaumont earthmoving Approx $75 a metre Maximum $1500 to be spent. | All agreed after discussion. | | Next Meeting | 6.00pm, 6th February 2024, Waterfront Hotel, Diddillibah | |

Meeting Closed: 8:15pm.

Senior team expectations – communication to GMs Canteen shifts
Field maintenance
Juniors development Moved
Role Description and access to documents What am I doing?? For all positions held on Committee, and to assist with transition for new personal. Moved
Senior player Complaint To be discussed**.** Moved
Treasurers Update Auditors report. Moved
Equipment Purchases Reimbursement of $237.44 to M Mullins Moved
Refund of registration fees- For the inability to play the Summer part of season after paying for full season. Moved
Dates for Scoring training. Paper records and Game changer.
Umpiring- training weekend. February? Moved
Back nets and fencing
Geoff Quotes? Moved
Fundraising. Need to organize how this will be handled.
Co-Ordinator required.
Next Meeting Waterfront Hotel, 6pm,
February 6th, 2024.