Sunshine Coast Baseball Association Inc

Mudjimba League

Minutes of General Meeting


Waterfront Hotel

Date 6th February 2024
Meeting opened 6.05pm
Minutes Taken by Secretary
Attendance: Laura Woodrow, Amber Griffin, Tracey Bugenhagen, Michael Mullan, Leigh Jamieson, Samantha Anderson, Brian Perrin, Dominique Bugenhagen, Ryan Griffin, Geoff Wade, Marcian Niepostyn, Bree Clark,
Apologies: Crystal Caton

| Previous Meeting Minutes | Read | Moved as accurate and correct – Laura Woodrow Seconded – Tracey Bugenhagen Carried | | --- | --- | --- |

| Treasurer's Report | Opening Balance – $40 753.61 **Closing Balance – $**45 596.52 Incoming: $11 765.57 Outgoing: $6 922.66 Outstanding Accounts / Pending Payment – Michael/paint. Sammi/ uniform purchases. Tracey/Canteen supplies. Refund to players who have registered but unable to play this season. | Accounts presented and moved as accurate – Marcin N Seconded – Laura Carried. | | --- | --- | --- | | Secretaries Report | 4 T Ball enquiries 1 Little League enquiry General Marketing emails 1 political newsletter – Ted O’Brien. | | | President’s report | Nothing to report. | | | Ongoing agenda items | | | | Blue Cards | Check and record prior to season commencing. All executives and volunteers to obtain Blue Cards. Junior and Senior Teams please ensure at least one team member has a blue card. | Copy of Blue Card to be scanned to Leigh (Secretary) to be kept on file and in Blue Card Portal. | | Purchases | No purchases are to be made without prior approval of committee, to ensure money is available and not ‘ear-marked’ for other items. | Approved and ongoing. | | Business Arising from the previous Meeting. | | | | Junior Registrar Position | Email address will be – [email protected] To be set up. | | | Back nets and fencing. | Ongoing quotes – Fencescape: Option 1- $34 280.40 Option 2 – 23 489.40 Option 3 - $44 918.50 Another option was presented which was considerably cheaper. Applying for grant due to floods through the gambling fund - $35K. | Ongoing. Hoping to get grant. | | Repairs to Junior fields Drill purchase | Improvements to Junior diamonds will be completed after this season. A working Bee will be arranged to complete work, in June/July. SCBA to purchase second hand drill which will be used on covers. Purchase price $100.00 | Motion to purchase drill from Michael for $100 – Moved - Tracey Seconded – Marcin Carried. | | Computer Program | Ryan gave feedback on the program he has been trialling with his team. Very positive. Showed how all information can be accessed to keep communication open and transparent for all to see. Further developments can be made to include – Mission statement, Strategic plan, Vision and Values and Beliefs of Association. | Ongoing with further updates. | | State titles | Thursday training. Messages to be sent out via Heya and Facebook. Discussion to occur after game on Saturday with Parents and junior players. | No trials occurring. | | New Business | | | | Agenda item | Ideas/Discussion | Action/Resolution | | Junior Update - Michael | Ongoing concerns and a letter of Concern received from Rino. Letter to be sent to Rino confirming outcomes from Committee discussion. Michael to speak with Anne, regarding ‘rotation of players’ rule, which she is not following. | Two senior Stingray players to oversee Junior game on Saturday to ensure all players are rotated. | | Senior Update - Ryan | *Replace screens in ‘L’ shaped nets. Need to redo. *Players not valuing training – either not turning up or allowing enough time to warm up to avoid sustaining an injury. *Formalisation of a ‘senior specialist coach’ to assist with Junior training. Rotation of senior players to assist on a Wednesday training. *Website – renewal required for this year with the view to having our own product for the calendar year. *Computer program – see above. *Reimbursement for injured or players who are registered but not able to participate. | * approved.

  1. Juniors/ their parents helping more
  2. Dan from muddies asking for a refund after finding out he has torn muscles in his shoulder.
  3. Potential of buying a mower for our infield (one Dom likes the look of below)
  4. New fungo bat as the metal one is now broken and purchase of more senior balls
  5. Teams just going into the shed and getting new uniforms for their players. (Unsure who has and hasn't paid)
  6. Training shirts- Muddies want to know if they can design and order training shirts? | 1. Cap with orange brim. Logos on caps to be ‘owned’ by SCBA. Signing over of logo ownership needs to be completed on correct form.
  7. Personally ask parents for assistance. Provide a survey as to their availability and willingness to volunteer. If problems are mentioned, we need to work to minimise them.
  8. Approved. See item below re: reimbursements.
  9. Discussion continuing.
  10. Next year. Purchase 1 for ‘Masters’ this year - Approved.
  11. Uniform crates to be removed and relocated in storage room in clubhouse. Laura and Sammi only to access uniform boxes.
  12. Not discussed. | | Refund of registration fees- | Recommendation for refund of partial half season’s registration due to player’s inability to play. *Discussion - players being injured during play who have paid registration to claim for reimbursement through BQ insurance rather than club. Have in place for next season and ensure all players are aware of this before registering. | Approved. | | Michael - | T ball registrations? Have 3 players signed up. One is requesting a refund. He hasn’t attended any training. | Approved refund. | | Uniforms + equipment for State Titles and Masters. | State Titles/Masters. We need to fundraise for these events to offset costs. Sammi investigating a movie night to be held on field or in clubhouse. Need to be aware that Umpires and Scorers will also need assistance to cover costs. | Ongoing | | Volunteering V’s payment for not volunteering | Next season. On registration a ‘tick box’ to indicate a willingness to volunteer or pay $100 for not wanting volunteering. | Moved: Ryan Seconded: Marcin Approved. | | Remain off covers | Walking on mound and home plate covers in cleats is not to occur. Coaches to remind players. | Agreed. | | Intermediate v’s senior team | Suggested that Intermediate players wear Riptides or Magic shirt, when playing the Seniors. | Agreed. | | Planned Scorer’s workshop | 21st & 28th February in breezeway. Secretary to contact Crystal for her availability to conduct these sessions. Sammie to notify Junior parents that this will be available to anyone interested whilst Juniors are training. | Agreed. Crystal contacted waiting for response. | | Next Meeting | 5th March 2024 @ Waterford Hotel Diddillibah | |

Meeting Closed: 9.10pm.

Minutes recorded by Secretary – Leigh Jamieson.