Sunshine Coast Baseball Association Inc

Mudjimba League

Minutes of General Meeting


Waterfront Hotel

Date 24.08.06
Meeting opened 6.05pm
Minutes Taken by Secretary
Attendance: Tracey Bugenhagen, Michael Mullan, Leigh Jamieson, Laura Woodrow, Dominic Bugenhagen, Marcian Neipostyn, Amber Griffin, Ryan Griffin
Apologies: Geoff Wade, Bree Clark, Sammi Anderson, Crystal Caton

| Previous Meeting Minutes | Distributed to committee members prior to July committee meeting | Moved as accurate and correct – Laura Woodrow Seconded – Tracey Bugenhagen Carried | | --- | --- | --- |

| Treasurer's Report | Financials Incoming - $4,280.11 Outgoing - $11, 464.52 Balance - $50,230,45 | Accounts presented and moved as accurate – Marcin Neipostyn Seconded – Laura Woodrow Carried. | | --- | --- | --- | | Secretaries report | General Enquiries which have been redirected to relevant people. Request to North Shore for access to fields from 8th July for Thursday T-Ball. | Access approved. | | President’s Report | Discussions with BQ regarding Junior programs. Requests to North Shore Multi sports for more access - availability now Wednesday and Thursday. Discussions with BQ regarding transferring of registrations for players who have moved. | | | Blue Cards | Check and record prior to season commencing. All executives and volunteers to obtain Blue Cards. Junior and Senior Teams please ensure at least one team member has a blue card. BQ has released a new Blue Card policy which has been forwarded and included in Notion program. | Copy of Blue Card to be scanned to Leigh (Secretary) to be kept on file and in Blue Card Portal. | | Business Arising from the previous Meeting. | | | | Budget | Marcin provided an update of budget meeting and from feedback and discussions, an updated budget will be presented next committee meeting. | Budget to be presented for approval - August 6th, 2024 | | Come and Try day | 31st August, 2024.7.14 Batting cage booked - need to organise transportation from Brisbane to Sunshine Coast. Dane has completed the stickers for the signs ready to be dispatched on July 16th and Strategic meeting. Ensure all details are included on registration forms eg. First aid qualified, volunteer throughout the season, etc. Roster for the day needs to be organised and distributed to Committee members and other volunteers. | Thanks to Dane Gaspar. Laura W to oversee registration form. Refer to past years organisation program. | | T ball commences | Thursday 8th July 4pm. Field access approved. | Registrations are open for T Ball. | | Junior Report | Notes from Junior Sub-Committee meeting. Discussions around : Budget Volunteer levy structure - clarification, Come and Try Day spreadsheet Registrations on Come and Try day approx 60% Registration fees need to be finalised for August Meeting so everything is ready for Come and Try day. | Michael presented and discussed all items. Agreement was had on all items. | | Senior Report | NSCPL by-law changes for 24/25 season. Change of name from GM’s to EO’s to have consistency across the sport. NSCPL no-volunteer fee for 24/25 season Not a volunteer fee that everyone pays but more a choice to be offered - either volunteer OR pay a fee. Volunteering would not include working in Canteen, scoring or first aid unless you want to help in these areas. Important for Teams to see this as something to help their association.

Meeting Closed: 8.45pm.

Minutes recorded by Secretary.