Sunshine Coast Baseball Association Inc

Mudjimba League

Minutes of General Meeting


Waterfront Hotel

Date September 3rd 2024
Meeting opened 6.05pm
Minutes Taken by Secretary
Attendance: Tracey Bugenhagen, Leigh Jamieson, Laura Woodrow, Dominic Bugenhagen, Marcian Neipostyn, Ryan Griffin, Geoff Wade, Brian Perrin, Crystal Caton
Apologies: Amber Griffin, Michael Mullan, Bree Clark, Sammi Anderson

| Previous Meeting Minutes | Distributed to committee members prior to September committee meeting | Moved as accurate and correct – Laura Woodrow Seconded – Tracey Bugenhagen Carried | | --- | --- | --- |

| President’s report | Communication with BQ regarding portal opening and different structure. How to include fair play vouchers. Organising and planning Come and Try day. Maintenance of grounds. Planning pre-season training requirements. | Accepted | | --- | --- | --- | | Treasurer's Report | Opening Balance Closing Balance Account information presented to committee. No extra reimbursements | Accounts presented and moved as accurate – Marcin Neipostyn Seconded – Laura Woodrow Carried. | | Secretaries Report | 126 emails since last meeting. 12 player enquiries. Quite a few from BQ regarding name changes, info on vouchers and game day registrations. | Accepted. | | Blue Cards | Check and record prior to season commencing. All executives and volunteers to obtain Blue Cards. Junior and Senior Teams please ensure at least one team member has a blue card. | Copy of Blue Card to be scanned to Leigh (Secretary) to be kept on file and in Blue Card Portal. | | Business Arising from the previous Meeting. | | | | Complaint | Contacted and received Bret B and Nick B accounts of incident with Chris Preston. Incident has been resolved externally. | Email to be sent to acknowledge that this issue has been resolved. Reminder of Code of Conduct when in SCBA uniform. | | Budget | Marcin to present budget, for committee to accept. | Passed over to next month. | | Come and Try day | Successful day. Huge thank you to all members who assisted with the smooth running of the day. All teams were represented and we are pleased that all teams showed their support. *suggestion of a sub-committee be formed next year to oversee the Come and Try day preparations | Amber to post to Facebook a huge thank you to all volunteers and those who have made donations. | | Junior Report from last meeting | Juniors would like to liaise with Amber regarding items (pictures) on facebook. | Need to ensure consistency of content and presentation. Claire and Amber to hold discussions to develop a template of a post regarding the what and how it would look. | | Senior Report from last meeting | Training begins Wednesday 4th September. EO meeting all teams represented except Loggerheads. They are requiring someone to step into that role. All discussed changes to playing this season e.g. wooden bats were well received. Training videos are on Notion. Who has access to Game Day - perhaps training for other committee members. | Laura will look into this and discuss with Ryan. | | First Aid Training | NSMS will organise and pay for training. Need at least 5 persons willing to undertake training for the First Aid group to come out to our clubhouse for workshop. Good to have persons from Juniors and Seniors qualified. Looking at First Aid tent being ‘manned’ from 8 till 5 on Saturdays by 1 Junior parent and 1 senior each Saturday. | Names to be given to Tracey B. Amber to put a post on Facebook. | | Working Bee | Saturday 14th. Fields to be prepared. Cut outs around 2nd base, Repairs of equipment to be conducted, sheds to be cleaned out and reorganised 1 maintenance shed and 2 equipment shed, dirt to be organised. Weeding to be undertaken. Wooden seat in Juniors Dug out to be paired or replaced. | Dom to enquire about dirt - Thursday 5th September Amber to post on Facebook Lauren and husband have offered to repair this before start of season. | | New Business | | | | Fundraising report | BBQ Wises Rd. Next BBQ Wises Rd - September 14th, 2024 - 7am - 2pm. | Leigh to confirm with Rob Meat Manager with IGA. Facebook notifications asking for volunteers - Amber Huge thanks to all volunteers over the three days as well as those how donated food items and money | | Junior requests | Motion- To provide Bret Buckland with full administrator privileges for Game Day at the Association level. Core flutes to be purchased every year and distributed earlier. Idea for distribution - Juniors to have half and their responsibility to place in various locations. Purchase new core flutes very year - management to allocate money towards this every year. Marketing - Junior Sub committee (JSC) would like Claire and Jill to fill Social Media vacancy whilst Amber is on Maternity leave. JSC would like the Management Committee to reconsider the importance and value the importance of a dedicated marketing team. e.g. print advertising - ads in papers, magazines on community boards in shopping centres etc. Media advertising - Instagram and Facebook JSC would like control of social pages to reach out to Juniors/Parents. Radio advertising on their community billboards. Is there a marketing file in Notion???? Transferring players: Is there a process for this? What are a boundaries (of Charter)? 7 player transfers/clearances - Why? Do we know reasons? What can we do or need to do to ensure players stay? Whose job is it to clear these players? What’s the process for clearances? How does this impact at State Title Time??? are they eligible to represent Riptides? What the minimum requirements needed to play? Riptides - Subcommittee needed to plan and be organised for next year?? | Concerns were raised. Crystal will email Bret before the Junior sub committee requesting information regarding what administative areas does he need that he doesn’t have access to now, to fulfill his role? Purchasing more core flutes in 2025 will be included in next year’s budget. Committee is happy for Junior sub committee to take core flutes and distribute for 2025 Come and Try day. It is noted that they will be required to collect and return to SCBA after the day as well as recording the location of the signs so double ups do occur. The Committee feels that this would be a good idea. Amber and Claire to meet up and discuss ideas. Discuss with Amber There is no marketing file in Notion, though one can be created. There were 5 player transfers. 2 this year and 3 last year. These were due to people relocating as they moved away out of our region e.g. Toowoomba, Redcliffe Our region is Maryborough to Coolum down to Caloundra. It is the President’s role to clear players both Juniors and Seniors. Once they move out of the region and play elsewhere, they are not able to represent SCBA at State Titles. It was decided to provide information around the impact transferring has for a player. This to be done in a one page document that states clearly the procedures, implications and outcomes. The SCBA is the committee for State Titles. | | Senior Requests | Update on Notion - how we manage projects and to-dos as a committee/organisation? Bitwarden - $40USA for 6 users. | Discussion was had by all members. A decision has not been forth coming. Passed over to next meeting. | | Women’s Soft Pitch Season | Uniform designs 3 of the 4 colours presented to committee have been agreed upon with the the inclusion of a ‘sage’ colour to replace the navy presented. Numbers will be 1 -> 10. The Sunshine Coast logo on front. No other wording and no names. | Committee agreed on all four colours. Moved “ Tracey Bugenhagen Seconded: Laura Woodrow Carried. Sammi to place order. | | Received complaint. | As the person concerned was representing North Shore Multi sports Association this email is being forwarded to them. | Secretary to Email Bret of this outcome. | | Umpires report | 3 Umpires are being sent to training in Brisbane next weekend. | SCBA to cover costs. | | Database organisation structure for Game Day - Bret | Has this been looked into? Is follow up/discussion required at this stage? | BQ covers this and makes changes. The name of the Association is SCBA our Region is Riptides and our league for Seniors is North Shore. | | Field availability | Sunday is now available for Baseball from 1st October to 1st April. Days now available - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. | Discussed. | | Training and Games | Little League Minors are playing Thursday afternoon 4pm - Little League Majors Training Wednesday 4pm - 5.30pm Playing Saturday 8.30am - 10.30am. Junior League will train Wednesday 4pm - Playing Saturday 8.30am - | More information will be known once training starts and numbers confirmed. | | Uniforms | Regarding the old Stingray shirts in shed, if a new Intermediate Team is created they are to use them. No need to order any jerseys for Seniors. | Dominic will liaise with Uniform co-ordinator. Moved by Laura Woodrow Seconded: - Tracey Bugenhagen Carried. | | Scoring Workshop | Crystal will be attending a Level 1 accreditation workshop on 7th - 8th September. | All the best. | | Next Meeting | Tuesday October 1st 2024 | | | Meeting Closed: | 8:42pm | | | Person- Laura Marcin Tracey Ryan Michael Amber Sammi Crystal Leigh Dominic | To Do: Discuss with Ryan training around Game Day. Present completed budget to committee members for approval Collect names of interested persons for First Aid training Notion - Marketing file To confirm training times and team structures once known. Place posts on Facebook - BBQ, Working Bee and First Aid training, also a huge thank you to all volunteers and those who made donations for the three BBQ weekends. Connect with Claire from Juniors regarding Marketing, media and facebook posts for Juniors. Order Women’s uniforms Email Bret regarding his request for more access before next Junior Sub- committee meeting. Pass complaint email to North Shore Committee. Email Bret regarding email transferred to North Shore. Email Bret regarding finalisation of Chris P complaint. Confirm with Rob @ Wises Rd IGA our upcoming fundraiser event. Check up on dirt for working Bee. Liaise with Sammi regarding Stingray training shirt design. | |

Minutes taken by Secretary.