$130 per player + insurance

Maximum cohort of 10 pitchers and 5 catchers.

All proceeds go directly to the SCBA.


  1. Ten weekly training sessions Thursday nights from 5:30 - 7:00pm
  2. North Shore Tavern Q&A beers + dinner Thursday nights from 7:30 - 8:30pm
  3. Two throwing drill aids to keep Improve your mechanics wherever you go
  4. Insurance, field access, lights, etc.

<aside> ☔ Additional sessions will be added in the event of washouts.



Click the link below to register.

Choose Type - Mudjimba Baseball - GameDay Registration

<aside> ☝🏼 Insurance included for players on annual plan. If you have already paid for annual insurance as part of the SCBA NSCPL Spring + Summer season, you do not need to pay the additional amounts above.
