(formerly Rookie Ball) for ages 7 to 9

Roles & Responsibilities

As part of the North Shore Development Leagues (NSDL), the SCBA’s Assistant General Manager is ultimately responsible for the North Shore Little League minors (LLm) League.

The day to day operations of the North Shore LLm League are conducted & coordinated by:

Setting up Diamond 3 (South-West) for the LLm Session

Thursdays | 90 Minutes | 4:15pm arrival | 4:30pm start

Order of Events

no throwing or batting to be done until the warm up and injury check have been completed

  1. Attendance
    1. Heja & Paper | for insurance purposes
      1. trial members or registered members missing from sheets need to be added
        1. player name - date of birth - email - phone - guardian name - postcode
  2. Leg warm ups | dynamic stretches | “It’s 4:30. On the line!” | 5 mins
    1. jog to second (far cones)
    2. jog backwards to first
    3. Frankenstein’s [monster]
    4. Buttkicks
    5. High Knees
    6. Open the Gate
    7. Lunges (straight back
    8. half speed full speed (x2)
    9. full speed (x2)