by Coach Griff

Baseball is a hugely mental game and is often be the difference between winning and losing.

In our first week, we’ll be focused on preparing each of you to make changes in the way you play this wonderful game. Primarily, how to make adjustments in your mechanics that continually reinforces improvement throughout the clinic and into next season.

<aside> 📽️ Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel, each week we’ll share videos that help explain the principles we’ll cover in the coming session.


Learning a new skill

While many of you already have some understanding of how to throw, in this clinic you’ll need to relearn a lot of embedded flaws in your mechanics.

For senior players, these changes are often more difficult to make, as you’d had a much longer time to reinforce bad habits.

While not baseball related, I recently came across this video while trying to improve my mountain biking. While it’s not specifically baseball related, it provides a positive framework for learning new skills.

The pitching mindset

Each of the below videos takes a unique perspective on pitching mentality.

As with all advice, it’s important to ensure it aligns with you personally and that you’re not compromising your own enjoyment of the game.

Personally, I have always pitched better when angry. However, you will never see me display any type of outward negativity on the mound - not at the umpire, my team or myself. Showing negative emotion on the mound gives your opposition a competitive edge.

Mindset best practices

  1. Learn to control yourself emotionally, then you can control yourself physically
  2. Breed consistency into everything you do, it provides a framework of comparison
  3. Have a strategy each time you step onto the mound, for each hitter and every situation
  4. Identify and exploit weakness in hitters, physically and emotionally