by Coach Griff

Welcome to the topic you’ll be talking about for the rest of your baseball career - mechanics.

No matter how long you play this game, you’ll forever be working on your mechanics. They require constant refinement and the material below is designed to help you improve your mechanics, even when a coach isn’t about.

Compare your mechanics to the videos below within Recordings

<aside> 🤕 Sometimes, fixing your mechanics can cause pain. If this is the case, please tell one of our coaches.


What do good mechanics look like?

There are many ways to throw a baseball.

The way you’ll learn to throw in this clinic is designed to:

  1. Reduce your chance of injury,
  2. Improve your accuracy, and
  3. Increase your velocity

Ultimately, no two pitchers look the same, everyone has their unique twist on throwing. It’s what makes baseball special, and makes certain pitchers difficult to hit.

Good mechanics provide an efficient exchange of momentum through your legs, core, arm and into the finger tips.

Pitching is like using a whip.

Pitchers with excellent mechanics

Some great pitching mechanics to compare with your own

Zack Greinke

Shohei Ohtani

Jacob deGrom

Tips to get you started