Registration + fees

Keen to get started?

Check out our registration information below, along with capitations and portal links


Registration types

Ages Registration fee Link
Player registration 10 - 105 Annual insurance holders

Non-annual insurance holders $235 (includes BA + BQ capitations) | | | Team registration | NA | Team registered on time* $0

Teams registered past deadline* $25 | | | Volunteer registration | 10 - 105 | $0 Coaches, scorers, canteeners + more | |

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All players from 10 and upwards are eligible to play.


Insurance / capitations

We buy insurance from Baseball Australia and Baseball Queensland for each player in our league.

For some players, you may already be covered for this league.

  1. Players who signed up for the full spring + summer seasons at once You ****have annual insurance and there is no extra insurance levy to play in this league.
  2. Players who signed up for separate individual seasons + new players to the SCBA You will need to pay for a 10 week insurance plan in addition to the $150 registration fee